Is it always necessary to defend against change?
Our daily existence is much more based on duality than we would think. Seemingly only our world is very analytical and detailed in every respect. In practice, a wide variety of positions will be fought inside us every day, and as if we started to dig deeper into our daily existence, we could come to the conclusion that nothing is as present in our daily life as chaos. Consciously, of course, we try to choose the course of study to take up employment in a particular company, or use the accouterments of these slot machines for free, Which are recommended by other users. In many situations, however, we are unexpectedly faced with life's challenges that we had no control over at all. Automatically then we feel resistance to decisions that we have to make anyway. It turns out that both this resistance and various fears are perfectly natural, but it is just as normal behavior to overcome them. This constant struggle of opposites seems to be an immanent feature of human existence.
Change is the destiny of the human species
A sense of security is an issue that has been one of the most important in human life for centuries. Everything that we do in our existence, that is, the accumulation of goods and the performance of professional duties is aimed at guaranteeing us and our loved ones the greatest possible security and eliminating all risks. On the other hand, would the progress of civilization and even getting a lucrative job or a degree from a preferred university be possible if we did not take risks and were not ready for change? Of course not. In this context, resistance seems completely irrational. However, it should be borne in mind that unlimited action would cause disastrous consequences. Nature, then, seems to have equipped us with the ability to make this pragmatic balancing act between ordinary life risks and getting stuck too long in a particular life situation that can no longer provide us with any progress and condemns us, for example, to mere vegetation. Certain risks and life changes are thus our destiny.
How to effectively control growth?
The most important issue, therefore, seems to be to act as efficiently as possible, which will quickly guarantee us tangible benefits. In this context, we will very often refer to the opinions of much more experienced people, or specialists who are responsible, for example, for the publication of various psychological guides that allow us to manage our own lives more consciously and safely, while at the same time providing ourselves with a widely understood existential progress in both the professional and personal spheres. Of course, the realization of such goals according to this pattern would even be an ideal, and all problems on the globe should then end. In practice, however, the troubles of everyday life will be produced again and again, and we have to face them anew. The best position, which is recommended by many therapists, is to constantly reflect on our behavior and maximum objectivity, if at all possible. Control of our life development must therefore be supported by our life experience and anticipation of good and bad scenarios.
What doesn't kill you will make you stronger
One of the most important philosophical maxims, which is very often repeated by many people, is the one that says that „what does not kill us makes us stronger”. Contrary to appearances, however, this is not about that proverbial jumping into deep water when you can't swim. So we do not mean mindless and irrational bravado, which results in a string of dangers and accidental success. It's more about accepting life's failures with an open visor and the mind of a. This will make us ready to turn failures into successes, and they can certainly inspire us to act more effectively in the future.